0418 990 619


Well-being, Stress, Mental and Emotional Balance

Neuro-Training Kinesiology

Working With Men, Women and Children of All Ages

Neuro-Training Kinesiology

A natural healing modality which focuses upon the body’s innate capacity to heal and recuperate.  Neuro-Training Kinesiology offers an empowering approach to health and well-being which enables blockages of any type to be shifted easily and effectively.

Melissa’s main areas of interest are issues relating to hormone balance, stress, energy, recuperation, detoxification and general well-being.

Melissa’s Approach & Values

Melissa’s core values of self-responsibility, humbleness and compassion flavor and enhance both her Eltham clinic and the workshops which she facilitates.

The Neuro-Training Kinesiology approach is a solution orientated healing modality which empowers the client to self-navigate their own healing journey.  Melissa identifies underlying causes and the unresolved stress reactions that stand in the way of being a better, healthier, happier version of yourself.  Treatment trains your nervous system to become more congruent and the benefits are numerous.  Re-training you to use your resources and strengths, breaking up old patterns and forming new ones.

Many people use Neuro-Training Kinesiology as a way to improve the quality of their lives, their recuperation and their energy.  Much of the re-training is done at a subconscious level, which supports change in the areas of life that you may have not thought possible to change.  A very empowering experience indeed. 


  • Kinesiology and Neuro-Training
  • Natural Fertility Consultant
  • Positive Menstrual Educator
  • Celebration Day for Girls™ facilitator
  • Father’s Celebrating Daughters™ facilitator
  • Birth Attendant (retired)

My Education

  • Dip Neuro-Training (Major in Women’s Wellness)
  • CIV Kinesiology
  • Cert Natural Family Planning

Professional Association

  • Standard Member: Australian Institute of Kinesiologists Ltd

Learn More About

Neuro-Training Kinesiology

Menstruation Symptoms

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Menstrual, pre-menstrual and ovulation pain or symptoms are not normal.  They are an indicator of imbalance occurring at a deeper level. There is no one fix all approach because even when women have the similar symptoms the causal patterns that lay at the root of them are different and need to be treated individually as such.

Anxiety, Depression, Mood

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Experiencing anxiety, depression or mood swings can absolutely cripple one’s well-being. Whilst life can be stressful and we will always encounter new challenges, the way in which we process fear and emotions can be altered. We work at creating new neurological pathways so that you’re able to adapt and find new solutions to how you meet the challenges that trigger.


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We are in an epidemic of stress and it is the leading cause of disease today.  Whilst we cannot change your exposure to stress, neurologically we can change the way you respond to stressful situations.  These changes help to increase the blood supply to the parts of the brain that can problem solve, new solutions arrive or your relationship to stress changes.

Allergies and Nutrition

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Why is it that some people can be as fit as a fiddle and eat rubbish, yet others eat highly nutritious foods and experience poor well-being and/or allergies? Nutrition has been labelled the “cure all” for most problems, yet there is much more to this than meets the eye. In clinic we improve nutrition by identifying and balancing the negative thoughts, conflicts and habitual patterns that have energetically effected the nutritional pathways.

Menopausal Symptoms

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Sex hormones re-adjust themselves and a woman re-defines herself physically, emotionally and spiritually.  Whether aware of these changes or not they are not easy to navigate and where blockages lay symptoms will result. Treatments support the changes that her body is calling for, and allows her to powerfully transition with grace and ease.

Fertility / IVF Support

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Experiencing fertility challenges usually involving a significant amount of stress. We are sensitive and accepting of people’s choices, working together for best outcomes. We can help identify underlying causes of fertility problems and increase natural fertility (for men and women) or support the hormone load and stress factors through the IVF journey.

Acute and Post Trauma

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Fight, flight or freeze is the automatic hormonal response a person has to trauma.  Post-trauma is when this stress response becomes locked into the cerebral cortex (primitive brain stem).  Becoming re-activated whenever a trigger (no matter how small) reminds the brain of the original trauma. The primitive brain stem cannot be rationalised with, it is automated and it remembers. We re-train the primitive brain to no longer be triggered which significantly reduces a persons stress response.

Low Immune System

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When we have been under stress for a long period of time the immune system can become compromised.  Stress might be something you’re aware of consciously or maybe it’s something like exposure to chemical toxicity, hormone imbalance, nutritional deficiency or an absorption problem. Neuro-Training Kinesiology is great because it can identify and get to the root cause of immune problems.

Other Hormone Imbalance

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Hormone imbalances are triggered off by stress, illness or genetic patterns. Other contributing factors can be the use of synthetic hormones or the accumulation of xenoestrogens found commonly in plastics. We re-train your system to eliminate and process hormones effectively, enabling you to express a more natural way of being.

Energy or Adrenal Problems

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Energy and adrenal problems are our number one issue because they interrelate with other imbalances. We work at addressing the underlying stress patterns and also, often with the way the body processes sugars.  We try our best to not be hard-ass about stopping sugars and focus on retraining the body to crave less by addressing the underlying patterns involved.

Strained Relationships

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Strained relationships are stressful. Whilst we welcome each party to come for treatments, more often than not only one party is willing.  Dealing with the underlying patterns that have caused the strain, empowers the person to respond more effectively within the relationship. This often initiates positive change within the relationship or helps the person become clearer in their direction moving forward.

Grief and Loss

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There is no right or wrong way to grieve or length of time that is expected to take. Initially those grieving are often well supported but as the weeks roll on, the support becomes less and less. Yet the grieving process maybe continue to be very intense and the pain seemingly relentless. Coming in for treatments during this time is a gentle way to support the movement through this pain and lessening its intensity.

Approach and Core Values

At the forefront of Melissa’s Kinesiology Clinic the experience you will have of her expressing her core values.  Melissa is driven by compassion, patience, and self-responsibility (because at the end of the day given the right opportunities we are all responsible for our own well-being).  These empowering attributes shine through in all that she does and will support you to feel heard, recognised and understood.

Neuro-Training Kinesiology compliments these values in it’s solution oriented approach that retrains the nervous system to be able to reach greater health and well-being potential.

Melissa helps to identify the underlying causes and unresolved stress patterns to enable her clients to move through their difficulties. 

Working with the natural laws of recuperation; healing from the head down and the inside out.  Treatment works at a deep subconscious level, breaking up old habitual patterns and negative beliefs and facilitating positive change from deep within.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a verification tool that uses muscle monitoring in order to identify what is happening within the person.  The different muscle responses provide feedback directly from the person’s nervous system and their subconscious.

Kinesiology is not a psychic phenomena and it does not actually do any healing of the person, contrary to what some people believe. The results of a Kinesiology treatment are only ever as good as the references being used and applied (aka Neuro-Training).

How Many Sessions Will I Need?

This depends on the individual.  It will take somewhere between three to five treatments to obtain a full understanding of your stress reactions and how well your body recuperates.  Generally, chronic issues and long term symptom patterns will require more sessions.

How many sessions you invest is totally up to you, some people come only to deal with a specific concern, yet others continue to benefit from Neuro-Training Kinesiology long-term by spacing out sessions in a manor that suits them.

How Often Will I Need to Come?

This depends on how quickly you would like to see results.  Most often people choose initially to come weekly and then as they feel the benefit and their well-being improves they space their treatments out to fortnightly, then monthly.

However, there is no harm in spacing sessions out initially, its just that in order to achieve results will obviously take longer.  It is a personal choice.

What is Neuro-Training?

Neuro-Training techniques are the primary references used in this clinic. They have been developed over 20 years using the latest neuroscience awareness, continually growing and improving.

Every treatment is different because the Kinesiology checking process will guide the facilitation of treatment towards the best outcome for the individual person.  As a result, clients achieve what they didn’t think they could achieve, having previously been road-blocked by subconscious fears, habits, beliefs and/or inherent weaknesses.  Neuro-Training quite literally provides the solutions for the brain to overcome the bad neurological loops that have caused the problems and reactivates those which support a person’s long term healing and recuperation.

People struggle to reach and maintain, or perhaps never even experienced the level of well-being that they desire will seek out Neuro-Training Kinesiology.  Following treatments, clients report of their strengthening emotional capacities, lessening stress levels and an overall improvement in their physical well-being.

What Will Happen During a Treatment?

Firstly, Melissa will gather your history and there will be some discussion about this, when treatment begins you will lay on a massage table fully clothed.  Melissa will ask you to extend an arm or leg and resist against lightly applied pressure.  The muscle will either lock firmly or unlock and give way under that pressure.  This is Kinesiology which is the method used to assess what is happening.  Melissa will then identify better options for your nervous system and will begin the retraining process by using a combination of massage, tapping, holding specific points, working with emotional responses, hand analyse, face traits, eye positions and iridology.

Contact Melissa

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