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Frequently Asked Questions

Neuro-Training Kinesiology Sessions

What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a verification tool that uses muscle monitoring in order to identify what is happening within the person.  The different muscle responses provide feedback directly from the person’s nervous system and their subconscious.

Kinesiology is not a psychic phenomena and it does not actually do any healing of the person, contrary to what some people believe. The results of a Kinesiology treatment are only ever as good as the references being used and applied (aka Neuro-Training).

What is Neuro-Training?

Neuro-Training techniques are the primary references used in this clinic. They have been developed over 20 years using the latest neuroscience awareness, continually growing and improving.

Every treatment is different because the Kinesiology checking process will guide the facilitation of treatment towards the best outcome for the individual person.  As a result, clients achieve what they didn’t think they could achieve, having previously been road-blocked by subconscious fears, habits, beliefs and/or inherent weaknesses.  Neuro-Training quite literally provides the solutions for the brain to overcome the bad neurological loops that have caused the problems and reactivates those which support a person’s long term healing and recuperation.

People struggle to reach and maintain, or perhaps never even experienced the level of well-being that they desire will seek out Neuro-Training Kinesiology.  Following treatments, clients report of their strengthening emotional capacities, lessening stress levels and an overall improvement in their physical well-being.

How many sessions will I need?

This depends on the individual.  It will take somewhere between three to five treatments to obtain a full understanding of your stress reactions and how well your body recuperates.  Generally, chronic issues and long term symptom patterns will require more sessions.

How many sessions you invest is totally up to you, some people come only to deal with a specific concern, yet others continue to benefit from Neuro-Training Kinesiology long-term by spacing out sessions in a manor that suits them.

What are treatments like?

Firstly, Melissa will gather your history and there will be some discussion about this, when treatment begins you will lay on a massage table fully clothed.  Melissa will ask you to extend an arm or leg and resist against lightly applied pressure.  The muscle will either lock firmly or unlock and give way under that pressure.  This is Kinesiology which is the method used to assess what is happening.  Melissa will then identify better options for your nervous system and will begin the retraining process by using a combination of massage, tapping, holding specific points, working with emotional responses, hand analyse, face traits, eye positions and iridology.

How regularly do I need to come for treatments?

This depends on how quickly you would like to see results.  Most often people choose initially to come weekly and then as they feel the benefit and their well-being improves they space their treatments out to fortnightly, then monthly.

However, there is no harm in spacing sessions out initially, its just that in order to achieve results will obviously take longer.  It is a personal choice.

How much do treatments cost?

Full treatment cost per session is $170

Packages are available and can be purchased at anytime (there are no time limits on packages)

3 Session Package (Save $30, ie. $10 per session) $480

5 Session Package (Save $75, ie $15 per session) $775

10 Session Package (Save $200, ie $20 per session) $1,500

All treatments are one-hour in length.

Concession/Pensioner Card Rates are available with a $30 saving per session – $140.