Natural Recuperation
by Melissa Gonella |Dec 10, 2018 | General Health
Natural recuperation is when the body is working with its own innate capacity to carry out health. Many things can disrupt our ability to naturally recuperate from what ails us or challenges us.
We’ve been taught that symptoms are to be eliminated. Got a headache? Take a pill. We have been conditioned that discomfort is not acceptable and that it is to be feared. However, if it wasn’t for the experience of discomfort, then we would not change, we would become stagnant. Discomfort is the tool that teaches us where we need to adjust to our environment. The problem is that we ignore or suppress discomfort to the point where it becomes more and more painful, creating more and more symptoms and deeper held patterns.
It’s natural to fear pain as pain can be life threatening. For example, if we step out in front of a bus, our automatic survival mechanism instinctively makes us jump out of the way. Have you ever jumped at a stick when walking in the bush thinking it was a snake, or been frightened by a crack in the wall thinking it was a spider? This is the survival part of the brain keeping the body safe – this is the fight, flight, freeze brain response. We store these memories in our sub-conscious and whenever a memory is triggered, an automatic adrenal response is activated (you can read more about my adrenal articles here).
The effect of experiencing daily threats (which albeit are not life threatening) is immeasurable. Circumstances which can trigger adrenal action can be feelings of anger, resentment, hostility, fear of loss, grief, guilt, isolation and feeling trapped without a way out of a situation. Reminders of a previous trauma, such as a colour, noise, word, tone, visual, smell or body posture will ignite adrenal stress reactions despite there being no real threat. These reactions happen subconsciously and cannot be controlled by conscious thought.
The more stress, the more adrenal response and the more inflammation there is in your body. The more inflammation, the more pain that is experienced. It’s at this point where pain no longer becomes a fear response. Pain becomes a sign that we are off the track of being in good health.
Understanding what natural recuperation looks and feels like will help address fears that may rise when experiencing discomfort due to healing. As your health increases, so does your vitality to recuperate. Discomfort experienced when getting back on track is a positive sign that your neurology is reorganising its previous negative patterns into positive ones. It’s important to allow your body to express discomfort to the best of your ability without trying to artificially block it. Blocking pain lengthens out the process of recuperation. The positive signs of recuperation move in three directions:
- From the head down. Our thoughts, both good and bad, affect our overall health and well-being (clients who’ve addressed their negative self in the clinic will understand the importance of this). Negative thought patterns (especially sub-conscious ones) create negative life experiences.
- From within, moving outwards. We heal from the inside out. Liver recuperation may express as bowel (faeces) changes, lung recuperation may express as skin changes and emotional suppression may be experienced as emotional releasing.
- In the reverse order of arrival. The most recent symptoms will clear first, these will go and older symptom patterns will re-arise to be dealt with back through into those experienced during childhood. For example a client may report experiencing some wheezing symptoms having had experienced asthma as a child.
We need to understand that pain and ill-health do not just happen, many things have contributed to the experience of having a low ability to recuperate, such as:
- Inherent weaknesses. Genetically inherited patterns from others in your family.
- Emotions and mental attitudes. As children, the adults around us may have taught us inappropriate beliefs which have an unhealthy effect on our body. Beliefs which impede recuperation could be its wrong to express strong feelings like anger, sadness or fear. Either suppressing these feelings or speaking harsh internal thoughts will overtime affect your health.
- Trauma. Symptoms can be traced back to an upsetting event, grief or shock, a stressful situation, a fright or an experience of ongoing fearfulness. Especially something where you’ve never been the same since.
- Accumulation of toxins in the body. Food additives, preservatives, sprays, drugs (both medical and recreational), sugar, alcohol, environmental pollution, parasites and viral/bacterial residues from past illnesses.
- Poor nutrition. Poor dietary choices, depleted soils, poor manufacturing processes or absorption problems.
The body records all of the negative experiences which overtime contribute to depleting your resources to maintain good health.
Neuro-Training Kinesiology supports you to get back on track and to stay on track, undoing past inappropriate patterns leaving you with a better ability to express recuperation. Regular monthly sessions (or more in the case of acute or chronic issues) will create better health, more peace and balance in your life.
Special Note: During treatments, the return of or change in symptom patterns is a sure sign that we are heading in the right direction to building vitality and recuperation. However, if you feel at all concerned about what is arising, I encourage having things checked by out by a medical practitioner.