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Neuro-Training Kinesiology | Women’s Wellness

Anxiety In Children

by Melissa Gonella | Oct 23, 2019 | General Health

If a child in your care is experiencing anxiety, parenting quickly becomes a very tough occupation.  Choosing holistic support and adopting helpful strategies can make a complex situation become easier to navigate.

The more informed you are, the calmer you will feel and the greater the impact you will have in supporting your child.

Your Liver Health

by Melissa Gonella | Aug 15, 2019 | General Health

Your liver health impacts digestion, metabolism, maintaining healthy hormone levels, immunity and detoxification processes. Often the strain on the liver means it can no longer keep up with the demand of modern living. Accumulating toxins and creating a vicious cycle.  Read more for some simple suggestions to love your liver a little deeper.

Natural Recuperation

by Melissa Gonella | Dec 10, 2018 | General Health

Natural recuperation is expressed when the body is working within its own innate capacity to optimise health. Many things contribute to the disruption of this natural process.  A lack of understanding and conscious awareness inhibits making the small positive changes that help restore the ability to recuperate and maintain wellbeing.

Adrenal Function

by Melissa Gonella | Oct 10, 2017 | General Health

When adrenal function is under pressure it compromises energy levels in order to maintain good health. The adrenals are popularly recognised as the little guys who control the ‘fight, flight or freeze’ response and are our stress barometers.  But did you know that they are vitally important for so many other reasons that are essential to leading a healthy life. 

Adrenal Fatigue

by Melissa Gonella | Mar 21, 2017 | General Health

I masked my adrenal fatigue symptoms and continued to burn the candles at both ends, using an addiction to caffeine and sugary things as my crutch.  I tried a number of positive things to try and cure my fatigue, but it was not until I began to change the unconscious stress patterns that I found lasting results.

Female Archetypes

by Melissa Gonella | Sep 11, 2016 | Women’s Health

Female archetypes teach us how to tune in more deeply to our intuition and essence.  Understanding, then embodying the archetypal forces creates balance, harmonises social attitudes, the hormonal system, and will bring a deeper conscious awareness to all areas of your life.

Women's Power

by Melissa Gonella | Feb 7, 2016 | Women’s Health

Women’s Power and connection that is harnessed when she relates to her cycle (and her menopause) with awareness and understanding has a positive impact on her health and well-being.  Being unaware of the changing energies of the cycle can create many psychosomatic problems which then impact her health and happiness.
