About Me
Qualified Kinesiologist, Neuro-Trainer and Facilitator
Hello and Welcome!
Melissa Gonella | Neuro-Training Kinesiology | Licenced Workshop Facilitator
Melissa is the director of Melissa Gonella Kinesiology and the Eltham Kinesiology Clinic.
She has worked for over 15 years’ supporting girls and women as they transition through the cycles of puberty, pregnancy, birth and menopause and the full spectrum of everything in-between.
Her own journey from that of a troubled adolescent to now has left her living happily ever after… Well, to be completely honest, not always happily, but certainly meaningfully with many brave healing adventures in between.
She is a compassionate, knowledgeable and insightful practitioner, fueled by her passion to serve and understand the nuances that influences people’s well-being. She considers herself as a ‘forever student’ being eager to build upon her academic foundations as a Neuro-Training Kinesiologist as well as her knowledge of women’s and girl’s health.
Melissa believes that mindfulness, and movement are the keys to success, tenets that she lives out through her interests of being in nature, riding horses and spending quality time with her family.
You will find Melissa at her Eltham Clinic on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays. Please reach out and get in touch!
Melissa’s Approach & Values
Melissa’s core values of self-responsibility, humbleness and compassion flavor and enhance both her Eltham clinic and the workshops which she facilitates.
The Neuro-Training Kinesiology approach is a solution orientated healing modality which empowers the client to self-navigate their own healing journey. Melissa identifies underlying causes and the unresolved stress reactions that stand in the way of being a better, healthier, happier version of yourself. Treatment trains your nervous system to become more congruent and the benefits are numerous. Re-training you to use your resources and strengths, breaking up old patterns and forming new ones.
Many people use Neuro-Training Kinesiology as a way to improve the quality of their lives, their recuperation and their energy. Much of the re-training is done at a subconscious level, which supports change in the areas of life that you may have not thought possible to change. A very empowering experience indeed.
- Kinesiology and Neuro-Training
- Natural Fertility Consultant
- Positive Menstrual Educator
- Celebration Day for Girls™ facilitator
- Father’s Celebrating Daughters™ facilitator
- Birth Attendant (retired)
My Education
- Cert IV Kinesiology
- Diploma of Neuro-Training
- Cert Natural Family Planning
Professional Association
- Standard Member: Australian Institute of Kinesiologists Ltd
Melissa Works With Men, Women and Children of All Ages
Neuro-Training Kinesiology
Melissa’s main areas of interest are issues relating to hormone balance, stress, energy, recuperation, detoxification and general well-being.
Celebration Day for Girls™
Also available is a two hour workshop for dads where they can address concerns and hear about tips to foster a continued connection with their daughters through puberty.